Monday, September 15, 2014

ummi the mother

describing ummi as thin and tall
is a little bit simplistic
and saying ummi, not active in sport
definitely put ummi as being fragile.

she has kelantan roots
with arabic blood along the line
but she never mastered the accent
for being  born in KL.
where she grew up thereafter.......
and in fact I can speak kelantanese better.

she is KN as you know
she is ummi as the two hug for comfort
she is a lady, very soft spoken
she is delicate, cepat terasa.

Over the years we been together
We learn to understand each other
There were times she had to endure my presence
There were times I had to appreciate her presence.

Getting into wedlock, so arranged
Life was extremely cautious
for everyone's sake so to speak
until Lienn came into picture......

the day KN became a mother.....
and slowly the constraints fade away...
but my mind still get itself locked
with dreams of yesterday
on what could have been....

I look at them, the three
they are depending on me
expecting husband and daddy
as what should forever be

next: ummi ngajar ngaji


  1. It should forever be, Dienn...

    1. Depending on how we balance the two "accepting" and "expecting"...... it goes to every marriage, agaknye la....

  2. But ive witnessed many... Very very close to me... The accepting and expecting... It is indeed extremely sensitive...

    1. to everything there is a limit... kesabaran pun. I notice the danger in imposing standard to the other. and ego lelaki biasanya berkecamuk bila di hentam bertalu-talu....

  3. That is true... Tahap kesabaran perlu tinggi... To both... Again, ive witnessed it...

    1. from what i have seen.... 1. ada failure bermula macam api dalam sekam. 2. ada failure sebab isu besar meletup. 3. ada yang bergaduh besar, tengkar, sengketa 4. ada yang cepat2 admit, they have to go separate ways.... 5. ada yg berpunca ada third person. 6. sebab dah jemu...

      kita tenguk dari jauh, sendiri yang rasa kita tak tau..., like you said, kesabaran kena tinggi, dan suara pun x boleh meninggi.. hehe. Berleter tu hal biasa, most men can handle that....... :)

  4. Yep... Macam2... Hmmm

    1. so treasure it, save it ..... don't fall into the trap.

  5. Thats true... Treasure it... It should be forever...

    1. yup... with clear mind. and you too...

  6. Ibu my mother.
