Saturday, May 31, 2014

My Mini....

I finally relent
and purchase the company car
at market price.

There is no magic in owning a car
since it just rolls to where you swerve
straight left or right.

what's more the painful accident
frightened me down the hole
about a car to call my own.

It's Lienn that click the urge
as she keep commenting about the cars
around the house.

She keep checking
and always with certain remark
"kete ayah comot"
"kete ayah cantik"
"kete ayah calar"

Since all are company cars
I cant go along with her innuendos
and behave sincere and true.

So I pay the Mini.....
and ride along with the two and ummi
whenever we are all free.

and being chatty as she is
Lienn always had something to say
"Ayah kete ni kecik"
in a language she knows best.

......................... dienn

Friday, May 30, 2014

the energy and trust

Business is always about staying alive
and there should always be net positive balance
after taking in present and future earnings
and taking off overheads and basics.

There is always the necessity
to gear up the marketing side
for earnings to keep flowing

and knowing her,
the spirit and the inquisitive mind
it's fair to shoulder some responsibility
even if doubts start to creep in
my dearest friend, she is good
as I always know.

............................. dienn

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Of The Two.....

I am trying to figure out
why she had to say it loud
about the two entity of S to P
wondering why she has to look for new job.

Is it really necessary
Is it unfounded concern and worry

Could the two be business frontiers.
Could the two be new job offers.

I wonder..............................................

............................... dienn.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014



getting away

it's one of those little dreams
wanting to be far from familiarity
as long as we safeguard sanity
to hunt and tame a HOME


Bangi home offers convenience
for everyone, not far from work
very close to my 18 holes

But I want a different home
far away from anyone else
with just birds and flowers
for the two to roam around
an environment of freshness
for ummi to recuperate
and be happy
and talk about little things
and for me to listen
and be part of the healing process.

Am I being too deep into work
that anything else become secondary
even the two and even ummi.?

But work is something else
always a pillar for the rest to lean on
for the many souls that earn a living
for the many vendor and customers
that we call ecosystem
needing and depending.

I dream for balance
between the many facets of life
of me and the rest

a 10 acre plot
at the foot of small hill
with a house so neat..

and the only worry
is in the name of the locality
I once joked with ummi
if somewhere along the timeline
that fate let me go away first
she would at least remember the name of the place

Janda Baik.

............................................................................ dienn

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Pressure On Her

to work
in the same big set-up
with multi business areas
having husband as the boss
I truly understand the pressure she had to endure.

 It's the big ecosystem
of suppliers, vendors and customers
all having a little say and share.
A little tilt here and there
will disturb the equilibrium
and she continuously look at the balance
and put weightage on every business venture
on a long term scale.

Is she feeling the strain?

................... dienn

Monday, May 26, 2014

Once, Twice

I wonder how she had managed
all the way,  a few years ago
with a child she was carrying
and a husband recuperating
from deadly red-green misunderstanding,
once, on a fine Saturday morning

I can read the tiredness 
in the way she moved
but she managed to hide all
and nothing came out through her eyes
and she let her sweet smile walk by

and now is my turn
I just wonder what she feel
as I do my best to lighten her pain
and assuring her
that Lienn and Rienn are alright.

and I can also read
that she understands Lienn and Rienn
will always be in safe hands
but her utmost concern is always about me
how am I coping with work and life.

and yesterday she struggled to hold back the tears.
It must be the sadness being away from the rest,
or happiness that she be will out, Monday morning.

................. dienn.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The two and ummi.


That explained Lienn and Rienn current mode,
when ummi had to stay in hospital, almost a week now.

Both sides came to help out,
but noticeably Lienn began to show her true colour
for being effective on her own
and for being protective of her little sister.
and they both nestle in my arms at night.

Ummi wasn't feeling too well.
Her recent declining mood is the symptom of something far deeper.
The little ones had learnt how to pray for ummi.

..... dienn.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

be positive

no worry


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


She complained about something
in her little way
I am trying hard to figure out
the central issue
of her concern

it's rather out of ordinary
there's glimpse of worry
she had been showing lately

I thought
could it be
could it be?


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

dont worry mama

we ain't scared

we ain't scared......


[next; ummi.......]

Monday, May 12, 2014

hair dryer

with hair so short
would I resort
hair dryer
to modern gadget
to blow air
through the hair

But I do admit
with hair so thick
Ummi takes longer time
to blow dry

And I realise where she hide
the little gadget after use
each time, every time......
I found always to the right
of dressing table pure white

out of reach
for the two sisters.

but my dear friend
where do you place your hair dryer?


[ next: dont worry mama ]

Sunday, May 11, 2014

business offspring and eventuality

It's either offspring or splinter from the main business.
Beauty too require constant handling,
 not just general health of vitamins and pills

and with the  trade agreements,  US sponsored,
signals had been coming
that a few business areas will be affected.

It was said pharmacy and beauty products
would be first to crumble
and to prepare and brace ourself
against all eventuality is the priority

we have a few options
to stay alive.

Pharmacy / Beauty Cosmetic


[ next: hair dryer ]

Saturday, May 10, 2014

a young lady in blue

a heart of gold
There was a young lady of Greek myth
With a robe of saffron hue
Wearing a crumpled shawl of blue
and she wouldn't take off the shawl
so no one can see her soul
a heart of gold.


[next: offspring ]

Friday, May 09, 2014

Go, turn and turn.

It's Masjid Bandar Baru Bangi on the right
my home
It's Az-zahrah on the left
and soon a petrol kiosk

Upon the traffic light
I will take left
and maintaining right

I cant speed
because soon I will take heed
for a good right.

and after a few swerve
I will reach a place
I call home.

and always to be greeted by Lienn
with a kiss on my hand.
and Rienn is too young to care.

Ummi will reach home first
I will get home last.

and further up
is a place where I sweat it out
over weekends
with friends
playing like little kids
counting stroke after stroke
and always on the lookout
where would the white ball land to.

[ next:  With a robe of saffron hue ]

Thursday, May 08, 2014

serious, all of them.















photo replaced -  being respectful




[ next:  I will go, turn and turn from petrol kiosk]

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

never mind Adele.

I was going through the lyrics,
all her words,
and a single line
of his words.

[ and tomorrow something serious will appear ...:)  .. ]

Tuesday, May 06, 2014


muscle toning

memory lane

Monday, May 05, 2014

Ajam - target, kpi

its Bagan Ajam

but how's the young couple doing?
wonder if they can beat 
that "satu bulan je kosong" target.


Sunday, May 04, 2014

Crying child.

Crying is a signal provided by nature that is meant to disturb the parents so that the child's needs will be met. Ignoring a child's cries is like ignoring the warning signal of a smoke detector because we find it disturbing. 

This signal is meant to disturb us so that we can attend to an important matter. Only a deaf person would ignore a smoke detector, yet many parents turn a deaf ear to a child's cries. Crying, like the loud detector sound, is meant to capture our attention so that we can attend to the important needs of the child. It just makes no sense to think that nature would have provided all children with a routinely used signal that serves no good purpose.

Ten Reasons to Respond to a Crying Child - The Natural ...

Saturday, May 03, 2014

nak senyummmmmmm................................

it's not 7.30 today

hmmm..... i woke up too early
to  understand the sweet dream.
I had with you.

.... dienn.............................

Friday, May 02, 2014

Not that I am good

But I always available
for both light and deep discussions
on issues

and time that I had gone through
both emotional and experiential
in life and work
had somehow shaped my basic approach

I had allowed myself
to walk through WORK
at times I thought quite unconventional
but close friends understand
when to allow space creative overdose
to come up with BEST OPTION.

and I wonder how she copes
with multi-roles
especially her studies.
my dearest friend.


Thursday, May 01, 2014

someone like you

I was walking down the road
with thousand souls
and suddenly I stopped
someone like you
just walked through.

I can write thousand essays
about you
every little detail
every little mood
the hours of togetherness
with you
