Wednesday, July 09, 2014

ummi, a new space.

it must be work and commitment
and the pressure of datelines
to keep the company happy and free

the suffering is rather slow
but now taking its toll

and we agree for a leaner pace
for she can still work from home
and get to office as necessary
as agreed only a day a week....

so she can stay at home
to see the two growing
and honestly i think that's never easy
with the abundance of energy
the two willing to let go.

but to her
stay with the two is everything
for me
as long as it helps, let it be....

.................... dienn.


  1. She is lucky for that... And you will see happier faces as you reach home... :)

    1. I agree on happier faces.. yes. but I dunno which one affects ummi most; children or work. For now it's the best option....
